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Arjun P

last updated on November 29, 2021

What is K3s?

K3s is a light-weight Kubernetes cluster designed to be a single binary of less than 40MB that completely implements the Kubernetes API. Due to its low resource requirements, it’s possible to run a cluster on anything from 512MB of RAM machines upwards. Find more information here.


  1. EC2 instance with at least 6 core and 20 GB memory (For running OES)


  2. Helm 3 is setup and initialized in your instance. If the helm is not set up, follow to install helm.


1.To install k3s, switch to the root user, and execute the following commands.

					curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="- -write-kubeconfig=/home/ubuntu/.kube/config - -write-kubeconfig-mode=644" sh -

By default Kubernetes, the config file will be written to the root user. To write to the Ubuntu user use the – -write-kubeconfig option. Find all the available installation options here

2. Create a namespace and make it as default

					kubectl create namespace oes
kubectl config set-context - -current - -namespace oes

3. Add opsmx helm repo to your instance (as ubuntu user)

					helm repo add opsmx

4. Install Helm chart to the namespace created above using the helm repo as added above.

					helm install opsmx/oes --set
imageCredentials.username= --set
imageCredentials.password= --set
k8sServiceType=NodePort --timeout 15m

Available installation modes are:

By default, OES-AP gets installed if we are not specifying the installation mode. For more information please visit:

Note: In the above command RELEASE_NAME is the name that you want to give to the particular installation. If you do not wish to specify a release name, pass –generate-name while running the helm install command. Find more details here.

5. Edit the Configmaps of oes-ui and oes-gate

OES installation will work off self without any manual intervention on cloud-managed Kubernetes clusters where load balancers will be assigned to oes-ui and oes-gate services. 

In this case, the private IP of the instance will be assigned to the oes-ui and oes-gate services. So to get the oes-ui access through the browser it is required to edit the configmap of oes-ui and oes-gate as follows.

In oes-ui-config, replace OES_GATE_IP with the IP of the node (Typically it is the VM IP when it is a single node k8s cluster. In this case, it is the public IP of ec2 instance). 

In oes-gate-config, replace OES_UI_LOADBALANCER_IP with the IP(public IP) of the instance.

6.After making the above changes to configmaps, restart oes-gate and oes-ui pods by running the following command

					kubectl rollout restart deploy oes-ui oes-gate

7. Once all pods are in a ready state, access oes-ui using the URL as given below.


OES-ui-Nodeport can be fetched by running the following command.

					kubectl get svc oes-ui -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[].nodePort}"

8. Login to OES using default credentials


Password: opsmxadmin123

9. To add worker nodes to the k3s cluster (If required), execute the following commands in the worker node.

					export K3S_URL=https://:6443
export K3S_TOKEN=
curl -sfL | sh -

Token can be found in the location : /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server

Arjun P

Arjun has around 4 years of experience in the IT industry. He has worked as a Linux administrator and DevOps engineer. in Wipro Limited. Arjun is an expert in Linux, AWS, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform etc. Linkedin:



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