We are excited to announce that OpsMx added the Spinnaker operator for OpenShift and Kubernetes environments. Spinnaker Operator allows for easier deployment and maintenance of OpsMx Spinnaker in an OpenShift and Kubernetes environment.
What is Operator?
An Operator is a method of packaging, deploying and managing a Kubernetes application (in this case, Spinnaker CD). A Kubernetes application is an application that is both deployed on Kubernetes and managed using the Kubernetes APIs and kubectl tooling. You can think of Operators as the runtime that manages this type of application on Kubernetes. Read more at Operators.
What is OperatorHub.io?
Red Hat launched OperatorHub in collaboration with AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft. OperatorHub.io is designed to be the public registry for finding Kubernetes Operator backed services.
List of Current Operators
Here is a sample list of current operators available on OperatorHub.
- Prometheus
- Istio
- Redis Enterprise
- Spark
- Spinnaker by OpsMx
For a complete list of current operators, visit OperatorHub
What is OpsMx Spinnaker Operator?
OpsMx Spinnaker Operator allows Spinnaker CD to be managed in an effective, automated, and scalable way when being deployed to Kubernetes or OpenShift environments.
If interested, download the latest version of the Spinnaker operator from here
Features and Benefits of OpsMx Spinnaker Operator
- Automated Releases: Automate releases with flexible pipeline builder. Built-in policy control to dynamically alter multi-service composite application deployment.
- Multi-Cloud Deployments: Deploy to both private (Kubernetes, OpenShift, OpenStack, Mesosphere, Cloud Foundry, VMware) and public clouds (AWS-EC2, EKS, ECS, Lambda, GCP-GCE, GKE, Azure- VMs, AKE)
- Safe Pre-Built Deployment Strategies: Deploy apps safely with built-in deployment strategies such as blue/green, canary, rolling update or define your custom strategy.
- Intelligent 1-Click Rollback: Use automated verification and rollback production failures with 1-click.
- Easy Life Cycle Management: Create and manage OES instances including upgrade/configuration and monitoring from a simple dashboard.
- Easy Application Onboarding: Quickly onboard users and applications to the OES and scale with pre-defined beginner and advanced application templates. Ensure compliance with managed locked-down templates.
- Machine Learning based Automated Release Verification: Verify new software releases for suitability for production including reliability and business impact in an automated fashion during a canary or blue/green or rolling update or post-deployment in production. Leverage machine learning to analyze logs, metrics and APM data to find failures.
- Enforce Compliance Policies: Enforce enterprise or regulatory compliance policies in an automated fashion.
- Audit: Automate audit of the entire continuous delivery and track who deployed, what, when and who approved.
- CD Dashboard: Monitor the KPI of your continuous delivery through a single dashboard. Developers and operations can view the performance of their applications.
If you are interested in learning more or download the operator, visit OperatorHub.
If you need assistance, please reach us out at info@opsmx.com.