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Gopal Jayanthi

originally published on Aug 4, 2021

Why Authenticate NGINX with LDAP?

If you would like to enable user authentication to secure your application hosted on Kubernetes, then LDAP protocol can be used for the same. By following the steps mentioned below, you can ensure that only authorized users have access to the host server or application.

Although this blog is generic for any host server, open source Spinnaker users in particular will find it handy to secure their application by using NGINX LDAP. You can reduce vulnerability risks on your website and servers by restricting all unauthorized access.  


You can either use open source LDAP  or customized LDAP  server for authenticating the user identity. 

Prerequisites for securing  host servers with LDAP:  

  1.   Kubernetes cluster
  2.   nginx ingress controller configured with host
  3.   openldap/custom ldap

It totally involves 4 steps, which are as follows: 

  1. Creating a namespace to deploy  the daemon related resources
  2. Deploy a bitnami LDAP deployment and service in the namespace so created.
  3. Adding the recommended annotation to the ingress resource.
  4. Creating nginx LDAP  proxy to redirect the network calls.

Step 1:

First  you create a namespace to deploy daemon related resources (Ex: nginx-ldap-proxy) with the following command: 

					kubectl create namespace <>

Step 2:

Then you create a  bitnami ldap daemon deployment and service using the below yamls in the namespace that we have used in the previous step. 

Please be noted that this is only a one time step irrespective of the host count. 

This is how the sample deployment and service yaml look like: 


					apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: Deployment



    io.kompose.service: nginx-ldap

  name: nginx-ldap


  replicas: 1



      io.kompose.service: nginx-ldap



      maxSurge: 25%

      maxUnavailable: 25%

    type: RollingUpdate




        io.kompose.service: nginx-ldap



      - image: bitnami/nginx-ldap-auth-daemon


         -  name: NGINXLDAP_LDAP_URI

            value: "ldaps://ldapaddress:636"                   # we can use custom ldap also

         -  name: NGINXLDAP_LDAP_BASE_DN

            value: "ou=users,dc=opsmx,dc=com"

         -  name: NGINXLDAP_LDAP_BIND_DN

            value: "cn=binddn,dc=opsmx,dc=com"


            value: "************"

         -  name: NGINXLDAP_LDAP_FILTER

            value: "(uid=%(username)s)"

        imagePullPolicy: Always

        name: nginx-ldap


        - containerPort: 8888

          protocol: TCP

        resources: {}

        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log

        terminationMessagePolicy: File

      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst

      restartPolicy: Always

      schedulerName: default-scheduler

      securityContext: {}

      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30


					apiVersion: v1

kind: Service


  name: nginx-ldap



  - name: "8888"

    port: 8888

    protocol: TCP

    targetPort: 8888


    io.kompose.service: nginx-ldap

  sessionAffinity: None

  type: ClusterIP


Please remember that every new host requires authentication by LDAP. For that, you need to add the below recommended ingress annotation.  

Step 3:

So, add the following annotation to the ingress resource as mentioned below: 


Step 4:

For the deployment and service yaml we have created before,an ingress resource need to be created. 

Here is the sample ingress.yaml for your reference. 

					apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1

kind: Ingress


  annotations: nginx

  name: ldap-proxy



  - host:                                   # add your dns entry here 



      - backend:

          serviceName: nginx-ldap

          servicePort: 8888

        path: /auth-proxy

        pathType: ImplementationSpecific


  - hosts:

    -                               # add your dns entry here 

    secretName: sec-authtls

Note: The host name and the ingress host should match for authentication. The path auth/p will be forwarded to the daemon service.

Step 4A

Similarly, for another ingress host, we need to add the below mentioned code to ingress.yaml that we have mentioned in the step 4 in spec/rules section. 

					- host:



      - backend:

          serviceName: nginx-ldap

          servicePort: 8888

        path: /auth-proxy

        pathType: ImplementationSpecific 

Step 4B

In the spec/tls level, add the following code: 


After the addition of two ingress hosts, the ingress  looks like this: 

					apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1

kind: Ingress


  annotations: nginx

  name: ldap-proxy



- host:



      - backend:

          serviceName: nginx-ldap

          servicePort: 8888

        path: /auth-proxy

        pathType: ImplementationSpecific

  - host:



      - backend:

          serviceName: nginx-ldap

          servicePort: 8888

        path: /auth-proxy

        pathType: ImplementationSpecific  


  - hosts:



    secretName: sec-authtls

Conclusion: Securing apps with ‘NGINX Auth LDAP’

By following the 4 steps mentioned above, you can secure host servers so that only specified  LDAP users have access.

Gopal Jayanthi

Gopal Jayanthi has 15+ years of experience in the software field in development, configuration management, build/release, and DevOps areas. Worked at Cisco, AT&T (SBC), IBM in USA and Accenture, Bank of America, and Tech Mahindra in India. Expertise in Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, SDLC management, version control, change management, release management.



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