Four Effective Strategies for Optimizing Application Security with ASPM
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In this blog, we will examine some of the popular enterprise deployment tools, introduce two of Netflix’s open-source deployment tools, the Nebula Gradle plugins, and Spinnaker, and we will show you how to deploy a production-ready Spring Boot application. We will use a fully automated CI/CD pipeline workflow using the following tools: The build, and bake process will […]
March 24, 2021
Purpose Spinnaker as a renowned Continuous Delivery tool supports app deployment into all major cloud environments including Azure cloud. Here, we guide you through the configuration and pipeline setup of a Windows application into Azure cloud using Spinnaker. Scope The integration steps here have been tested on Spinnaker 1.24.2. In most cases, the procedure should […]
March 12, 2021
What is a Debian Package ? A Package is compressed file that generally contain all of the files necessary to implement a set of related commands or features for a tool or operating system. Here in this blog, you will learn how and why you should use Debian packages in your Spinnaker CI/CD pipelines. Why […]
In Continuous Delivery, a faster feedback loop ensures quicker identification and resolution of bugs, audits, and approvals of the CI/CD pipeline stages in Spinnaker or other CD tools. Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication and collaboration platform. DevOps teams often use MS Teams for workspace collaboration, communication, shared file storage, and application integration. Why do […]
March 11, 2021
This blog will describe the power of combining Splunk and Autopilot. Autopilot is a powerful add-on to any CI/CD process running on any platform. We’ll specifically cover how OpsMx uses Splunk and Autopilot together to accelerate
March 5, 2021
WARNING: Redis can be used as Spinnaker’s persistent storage source, but it is unsupported and not recommended for production use-cases because it mixes fungible, short-lived cache entries with the Pipeline and Application data that deploy all of your infrastructures. This means you will have to be extra careful when clearing your Spinnaker Redis cache. Spinnaker stores its pipeline […]
February 27, 2021
Background The self-signed certs (certificates) for mutual TLS, used as a means of security and authentication for communication between Spinnaker microservices, are usually short-lived (maybe for three months) and expire after the specified period of time. If the mTLS certs are approaching expiry, these certs need to be updated to extend their expiry time. The cert-manager is […]
About the Bank The customer is an international banking group, with around 86,000 employees and a 150-year history in some of the world’s most dynamic markets. Although they are based in London, the majority of their customers and employees are in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The company is a leader in the personal, […]
February 22, 2021
Every company is trying to deliver software faster. The most important decision for setting up the organization for success is the Continuous Delivery platform. Sometimes the shiny object is not the right solution. Responding quickly to customer needs is the new key to long term success for many companies. Since software applications are now central […]
February 19, 2021
OpsMx Autopilot is an AI/ML-powered Continuous Verification platform that verifies software updates across different deployment stages using CI/CD pipelines, ensuring their safety and reliability in live/production environment. It automates new release verification, reducing time-consuming and error-prone manual verification processes. Autopilot uses AI and ML technologies to assess the risk of a new release, find the […]
In the previous article, “How to integrate Kayenta with Spinnaker for Automated Canary Analysis” we have described how to install, and enable Kayenta, the Spinnaker microservice that is responsible for executing the Canary release deployment and integrate it with Spinnaker. In this blog, we will discuss what is Canary Analysis and we will also look […]
February 8, 2021