Four Effective Strategies for Optimizing Application Security with ASPM
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In large-scale Kubernetes environments, Spinnaker’s components, particularly Clouddriver and Front50, work together to manage the lifecycle of applications and resources. However, a peculiar issue arises when synthetic applications—applications not created by any user—appear in the system. These “synthetic applications” are unknown to Front50 yet appear in the Spinnaker UI. This blog will describe the nature […]
October 29, 2024
Argo CD is a widely used delivery tool for Kubernetes. It uses declarative, GitOps-style workflow management. DevOps managers can safely deploy apps into production using progressive delivery such as canary and blue-green. Argo CD is Kubernetes-native and works with almost all source code management tools like Git, ButBucket, etc. But since it is open-source, the SecOps […]
August 22, 2022
What is driving the need for a secured and hardened OSS? Most organizations are adopting open-source software. But like other software, open source software (OSS) also comes with challenges. For instance, without a proper maintenance and security plan, any open source software is bound to become a liability. Still, organizations fail to address the gaps […]
August 12, 2022
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is becoming a common term in software and Internet industries. Google Vice President of Engineering Ben Treynor Sloss, who coined the term, explained that “SRE is what happens when you ask a software engineer to design an operations team.” Since then, SRE has become a core component of the IT strategies […]
July 29, 2022
Open source software is mainstream. Most businesses today have either already adopted open-source software or are thinking to adopt one. In fact, a survey found that “89% of businesses run open-source software internally, while 65% contribute to open-source software projects.“ Spinnaker is a widely deployed open-source Continuous Delivery (CD) platform adopted by thousands of enterprises. It was […]
July 27, 2022
Introduction DevOps methodologies have evolved over the years. And so have the deployments. Today, as businesses are increasingly transitioning to multi-cloud or cloud-first strategies, deployments are far more automated as well as complex than they used to be a decade ago. Additionally, the increasing demand for microservices requires businesses to use tools like Kubernetes. This […]
July 19, 2022
Introduction The world of server infrastructure has become complex. Microservices and distributed cloud architectures have contributed to this complexity. With the rise in complexity, so has risen the number of failures. And operating in such complex environments is challenging. Production failures impact both businesses and customers. Modern organizations have implemented SRE to ensure these outages […]
July 14, 2022
In Part 1 of this blog series, I explained how to automate increasing the limits/requests for a pod’s memory/cpu using the ‘webhook alerts’ feature of alert manager and ‘webhook triggered pipelines’ of spinnaker. In Part 2, we explained how to use verticalpodautoscaler (VPA) to get the recommendations for pod memory and CPU requests as well as limits. In part […]
June 30, 2022
Problem Introduction: In Part 1, We have seen how to automate the process of increasing the limits/requests for the pods memory/cpu using the webhook alerts feature of alert manager and webhook triggered pipelines of spinnaker. But what value should we patch? How to decide on the optimal values for cpu/memory as these values varies from application […]
June 28, 2022
Businesses have rapidly embraced GitOps as a standard Kubernetes deployment strategy as it helps them deploy applications in the shortest possible time. This is enabled by Argo, the most popular GitOps tool for rapid deployments. Argo Rollout, a reliable Progressive Delivery tool for Kubernetes, provides deployment strategies like blue-green and canary deployments. Thus, with GitOps, […]
June 23, 2022
Problem Introduction: Kubernetes does a good job in self healing and application recovery from failure. New pods come up in the place of pods that crash. One reason for pods failing in kubernetes cluster is the memory consumed exceeding the limit set. In this case, kubernetes pods are OOM killed ( out of memory) and […]
June 21, 2022