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Vardhan NS

last updated on May 31, 2023
Spinnaker blue/green deployment
Industry Standard Authentication for your deployments
Manage access using OAuth, SAML, LDAP, X.509, Github teams.


Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is a standard for logging users into applications based on their sessions in another context. This single sign-on (SSO) login standard has significant advantages over logging in using a username/password:

Advantages of using SSO 

  • No need to type in credentials 
  • No need to remember and renew passwords 
  • No weak passwords

The scope of this guide is how to set up SAML authentication on Spinnaker using JumpCloud as the (IDP)Identity Provider. This integration is not yet readily supported in the open-source Spinnaker version and OpsMx has added value while extending the support for the customers who want to run Spinnaker with a highly secured environment. 

JumpCloud securely manages and connects employee identities to Spinnaker, its underlying Kubernetes pods, configuration files, YAML files, etc. based on the user roles.  JumpCloud is a central source of authentication, authorization, and management of employees and all to which they require access.

What Is an Identity Provider?

An identity provider (IdP) is a service that stores and manages digital identities. This service enables organizations to allow employees to connect with the resources they need from multiple sources. They allow administrators to to manage access, adding or removing privileges, while maintaining tight security.

In simple words IDP enables you to login to a different platform using some other ID and password. It is the same as Facebook login for your favourite apps.

Pre-Requisites for Authorization of Spinnaker

  • Spinnaker application is already installed. 
  • JumpCloud account with required users is available. 
  • Admin access with the Jumpcloud to add the Spinnaker application is available.

Setting up JumpCloud Account

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click sign up and register the new account.

Note: Once a free account is created, we can use it for 10 Users, if you need to add more than this number need to purchase the JumpCloud license depending on the number of users required.

Configuring Spinnaker Authentication using SAML with Jumpcloud as IDP

To configure the Spinnaker application to use the JumpCloud SAML application as IDP for authentication you need to do the following things: 

  • Configure a Spinnaker application in the JumpCloud. 
  • Configure Halyard with the Jumpcloud SAML application

Let us discuss these steps in detail.

  1. Configure a Spinnaker application in the JumpCloud

    1. Login to JumpCloud as the administrator ( using the administrator login credentials. 
    2. Configure Spinnaker as a new SSO Application.
      (Navigate to  SSO —>Add Application —> Custom SAML App).

1. Login to JumpCloud as administrator

Provide a suitable name in the “Required Name” field (Ex: Spinnaker) for the custom application.

2. Provide the SSO Configuration, by setting up the following:

    1. IdP Entity ID – Example: spind
    2. SP Entity ID – Entity ID here should match with the Issuer ID in Spinnaker Halyard, Example: spind


    3. ACS URL – This is the EndPoint to which JumpCloud will send the SAML responses. For Spinnaker it is basically the Gate URL + /saml/SSO. Example: Note: The endpoint URL should be followed by: /saml/SSO.


    4. Save the application.
    5. Once the Application is saved you will get the certificate.pem and the metadata.xml, save both of them into your local which will be needed for the spinnaker configuration.



G. Add the required users to access the Spinnaker Application.

Configure the Halyard to use the Spinnaker Jumpcloud SAML Application for Authentication

    1. Create a SAML keystore for Spinnaker.

    2. Configure the Spinnaker to use the Jumpcloud as SAML Authentication provider.
					hal config security authn saml edit \
--keystore $KEYSTORE_PATH \
--keystore-alias saml \
--keystore-password $KEYSTORE_PASSWORD \
--metadata $METADATA_PATH \
--issuer-id $ISSUER_ID \
--service-address-url $SERVICE_ADDR_URL

SERVICE_ADDR_URL is the Spinnaker gate endpoint URL.

3. Enable SAML authentication

					hal config security authn saml enable

4. Apply the halyard changes

					hal deploy apply 

5. Once changes are applied, you can verify Spinnaker authentication. It should take you to the JumpCloud login page and should be able to authenticate to Spinnaker successfully.

So now that you have learned about how to use the JumpCloud service as the Identity Provider(IDP) to provide SAML authentication in your Spinnaker deployments. You can always go ahead and try it yourself. Please do share your experiences with us and also feel free to post your queries in the comment section below. We hope that we can help you troubleshoot your problems.

To know more about SAML Authentication of Spinnaker using JumpCloud as the Identity Provider, please read the following articles from Jumpcloud which are excellent to get you started:

OpsMx is a leading provider of Continuous Delivery platform that helps enterprises safely deliver software at scale and without any human intervention. We help engineering teams take the risk and manual effort out of releasing innovations at the speed of modern business. For additional information, contact us

Vardhan NS

Vardhan is a technologist and a marketing professional, currently working as a Sr. PMM at OpsMx. His strength lies in understanding complex technologies, and explaining them in un-complicated ways. Vardhan is a passionate Product Marketer with a keen focus on Content, helping brands Position themselves uniquely with clear messaging and competitive differentiation. Outside of work, he is an athlete that is passionate about Football, Swimming and Surfing.



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